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  • 13:23, 20 March 2024Commands summary (hist | edit) ‎[10,425 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ = Unix architecture and file system = {| class="wikitable" |- !style="width: 25%"| Unix Command !Acronym translation !Description |- |'''who''' or '''whoami''' |<nowiki>-</nowiki> |Tells you who the current user is. The 'who' command is not present in MobaXterm but you can use 'whoami' instead |- |'''man''' <COMMAND> |Manual |A very useful command. By using this command on other Unix commands, it gives you a manual of how to use them. This command is not pre...")
  • 13:18, 20 March 2024Understanding network and remote servers: IP/URL, ssh, scp, wget, curl (hist | edit) ‎[25,989 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ In computing, a network is simply a network consisting of computers and other devices; routers, gateways, modems etc.. These computers are either desktop pc's, which is the type that you're using, or they're server computers. The internet in its entirety is in fact an example of humongous network of global proportions, so as a short introduction, watch this short and simple video explaining the internet [ What's the in...")
  • 13:16, 20 March 2024Processes; foreground and background, ps, top, kill, screen, nohup and daemons (hist | edit) ‎[21,480 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ A process is simply the instance of a running program. Processes are a fundamental concept of Linux systems and we'll start by discussing what can be termed as the life cycle of processes. This includes the concepts of parent and child processes and while going through this subject, we'll also introduce some essential commands that allow us to view ongoing processes in our terminal. These commands are '''ps''', '''jobs''' and '''top'''. Next we discuss foregr...")
  • 13:13, 20 March 2024File compression and advanced packaging tools (hist | edit) ‎[15,836 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ You might've encountered files with file extensions like '.tar', '.gzip' and '.zip' when downloading files from the internet. These file extensions mean that the file is compressed and file byte size reduced so that it requires less disk space. Bytes are simply a sequence of 8 bits, and we've previously seen how this is used to store ASCII characters. Files that have been compressed can also be decompressed, making them user readable but requiring more bytes on...")
  • 13:12, 20 March 2024File permissions (hist | edit) ‎[10,019 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ File permissions (also known as file mode) are an important concept in the Unix (OS), and you might have already seen file permissions without knowing it. You can see them by listing files in long format, using the command '''ls -l''' in your working directory. It should look something like '''figure 5.1''', shown in MobaXterm. File:File permissions1.png|middle|frame|'''Figure 5.1:''' A screenshot of a command line interface after having used the command ls...")
  • 13:07, 20 March 2024Filtering and regular expressions (hist | edit) ‎[17,712 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ You can think of regular expressions (regex for short) as a pattern language that can be used to match patterns and filter data. In this section, we'll be learning so-called ''filter commands'', some of which utilize regular expressions in order to find and replace patterns. It is therefore important to have a basic understanding of regular expressions. To get you started, follow this link to an introductory video, [ B...")
  • 13:05, 20 March 2024Setting up your shell script (hist | edit) ‎[8,417 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ Last section we did some simple shell scripting. These shell scripts contained multiple commands and the script could be executed with '''bash'''. In this section, we go through some of the basics of shell scripts. Before getting started, however, you should know that when writing shell scripts in text editors, it's important that it supports bash. For example, running Sublime on the Windows OS will cause errors. If you're using Vim editor, you should have no p...")
  • 13:02, 20 March 2024Text editors and some shell scripting (hist | edit) ‎[16,716 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ In the last sections we learned how to use commands that move and work with files, but we haven't learned how to actually edit files, which is what we'll be learning in this section. Text editors are used for editing files and there are many text editors to choose from. You've probably already used some text editors, like ''Notepad'' or ''TextEdit'', as these are the default text editors on a Windows or Mac OS. In this section, we'll be taking a look at a lot...")
  • 12:56, 20 March 2024Standard streams and working with files (hist | edit) ‎[21,326 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ In the last section we learned how to make directories and move around in the file system, but we didn't actually learn how to work with files. So in this section we'll be doing just that.<br> Many of the commands you'll be learning in this course can receive data from the standard input and write to something called the standard output, so later in this section we'll introduce the concept of standard streams. Lastly we'll look at how we can change the direct...")
  • 12:52, 20 March 2024Unix architecture and file system (hist | edit) ‎[18,832 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ In this section, we'll give an intuitive understanding to the ''Unix operating system (OS)'' and its file system. After having understood this, we'll do some work within a 'Unix ''command line interface (CLI)'' (exactly what a CLI is, we'll go into detail in the sections underneath) by using some basic Unix commands, some of which allow us to navigate throughout the file system. We'll also take a look at how Unix commands can perform different tasks depending o...")
  • 12:38, 20 March 2024Course Preparation (hist | edit) ‎[13,626 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ Before starting this course, you will '''have''' to be able to start a terminal in a '''Unix''' environment, and to '''edit''' files in the same environment with a text editor. If you don't know what a text editor is, no worries, we're doing a whole section on it. Basically it's exactly what it sounds like, a program that can edit text and you've probably already heard about Notepad which is a text editor. There are a lot of text editors and you only really nee...")
  • 12:37, 20 March 2024Unix (hist | edit) ‎[1,695 bytes]WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ == Getting started with this course == Before starting this course, you must be able to start a terminal in a Unix environment. You will also have to get familiar with different text editors. A guide for different OS (operation systems) is presented in Course Preparation. === Practical Information === The general idea for this course is that it is a self-study course. This means that the there will be no lectures for this and all material is available...")