22125 - Algorithms in bioinformatics
General Information
Course Organizer: Morten Nielsen Course organizer: Morten Nielsen (morni@dtu.dk)
- DTU's Studies Handbook about #22125
- DTU's Studies Handbook about #22175
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In June 2023, DTU Bioinformatics is organizing a course on MSc/PhD level (the course 22125 is annotated as a MSc course, and the course 22175 is annotated as a PhD course) in Algorithms in Bioinformatics. The first lecture in the course is given June 1th, at 9.00 in building 358 class room 061.
General course objectives
To provide the student with an overview and in-depth understanding of bioinformatics machine-learning algorithms. Enable the student to first evaluate which algorithm(s) are best suited for answering a given biological question and next implement and develop prediction tools based on such algorithms to describe complex biological problems such as immune system reactions, vaccine discovery, disease gene finding, protein structure and function, post-translational modifications etc.
Prerequisites: All students from DTU and other universities are welcome. Prerequisites are DTU courses 22111 (Introduction to Bioinformatics), 22113/22163 (Programming Python and Unix for bioinformaticians) or equivalent. Optional prerequisites are DTU courses 02115, 02102, and 02312 or equivalent (Basic programming courses) The course is a combination of lectures and exercises, and will be conducted in English.
There will be room for 50 participants in the course.
Course curriculum: The course curriculum consists of review papers and selected chapters from Immunological Bioinformatics, Lund et al., MIT Press, 2005. All material will be made available online.
Lecture plan