Using Jupyter Notebook

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Required course material for the lesson

Powerpoint: Installing Jupyter - installing Anaconda which has the Notebook
Powerpoint: Using Jupyter Notebook
PDF: Markdown Cheatsheet

Subjects covered

Starting and stopping the notebook server. Using the browser to access the notebook. Getting to know the menu's well enough to work with the notebook. Understanding the cell and how to use it for markdown and code. Running the cell. Sharing notebooks. Learning the very first python in unsystematic fashion.


You have to be prepared for this lesson by having installed Jupyter Notebook beforehand.
Knowing where the files are on your computer is beneficial (hierarchy, disposition, classification).

Exercises to be handed in

  1. Create a folder on your desktop (or some other place) for the course.
  2. Start the notebook server and access the Notebook main screen on your browser.
  3. Create a new notebook in your course folder. You are going to create a new notebook for each lesson, so be systematic with the names, like "s123456_22101_01", which is student number, course number & lesson number.
  4. Make the first cell a markdown cell, make a headline with your name, and tell what you hope to learn from the course.
  5. Next cell should be a code cell, that calculates the number of seconds you have lived - approximately. This is a simple calculation you can do on a pocket calculator. Remember to Run the cell to get a result.
  6. For all future exercises you must use at least two cells. The first cell is a markdown cell displaying the exercise number and explaining the exercise. The second is a code cell with your solution to the exercise. Any more are left to your discretion.
  7. Make a python program that prints your name and your age.
  8. Make a python program that ask how many siblings you have, and prints that number with explanation of what the number represents.
  9. Make a program that prints a small poem. Show the author or origin at the end.
  10. Download your notebook and upload it for peer evaluation on DTU Learn for the course. You will do this in all future lessons/exercises. It will not be said again.

If you think this was too easy, then rest assured; It will never be this easy again.

Exercises for extra practice

  • Using the markdown cheat sheet, test various ways to control the look for your text cells.
  • By examining the Notebook interface, learn the shortcuts instead of using the mouse for your manipulation.