AI guidelines for the course

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It is strongly preferred that you do not use AI in the course. The skills you need to acquire are best acquired by your own effort or perhaps in a discussion with a fellow student or TA/teacher.
However, a proper responsible use of AI can to some extent replace a discussion with a fellow human.

The purpose of AI in the course is to help you learn - not to solve your problems for you - possibly (likely) in a way you do not understand.
DTU's honour code is to be followed in all DTU activities; courses and exams among them. It has little or no influence if you are employing "good use" of AI, but upon employing "bad use" of AI, you have to cite your source every time.

A simple way for yourself to determine if you have used AI wrong is:

  • Can you explain how your solution works?
  • Do you think I will be happy with the explanation? (a bit subjective)
  • Have functions/methods been used which are not in the curriculum - or later in the curriculum?

Good use

Query the AI for knowledge: Asking questions like "how does this function/method work?", "what is the significance of this?", "explain that" "why is this a good/bad idea" are good types of questions. They help you learn.

  • Critical thinking
  • Judgement
  • Analysis

Bad use

Query the AI for solutions: Asking questions like "how do I do this?", "can you make python code that does this?" simply solves a problem for you - maybe in a way that is not intended in the course progression and you do not really understand, because it is either outside or too early in the curriculum.

  • Copy/paste behavior
  • Potential for over-reliance - not developing problem-solving skills


  • AI is not allowed at exam
  • Exercises made by AI are voided

How will exercises be recognized as AI generated?
As AI is trained on "the code available on the internet" almost all AI generated code will contain elements not in the curriculum or not yet gone through in the course progression. Any code that contains these elements is therefore voided.
This may as a side effect hit advanced students who know more python than expected. If you want to use these elements to show your skill, fine. But do ALSO make a solution without the elements. If you can not do that, maybe you need to study the subject some more and think a bit better.