The purpose and format of this course

In this course you will learn applied computational precision medicine, meaning that you will learn to do analyses in R similar to those done in clinical settings all over the world. This means that we will be busy with hands on data analysis and have limited time for long theoretical presentations. Rather, I will provide you with excellent online materials (a mix of readings and videos) explaining the methods we will use that you are required to go through on your own. Please make sure you go read/watch the materials - I will not go through them in class. If you are unsure about aspects of what you read/watch, you are highly encouraged to seek additional info online. You will then discuss the materials in groups and I will answer any remaining questions you may have before we proceed to the fun part: the exercises where you will learn to apply them. This way we can invest as much of the course as possible training you to apply these tools to real life data.

Working on the RStudio server

For the computer exercises we will be using R to process, analyze, and visualize data. R is Open Source and freely available for Windows, Mac and Linux. We will be utilizing a RStudio server cloud solution to make sure that everyone uses the same version of R and the needed packages. You can log in with your DTU credentials here.

NOTE: In order to produce plots with RStudio server, you need to have the appropriate graphics device activated. If you have X11 installed, this should work without any further actions. If you do not, you will get an error whenever you try to plot anything. To mitigate this, open Rstudio server, go to “Tools” (options bar at the top of the screen), select “Global options” from the drop down menu, select the “Graphics” tab, and change “Backend” to “Cairo”.

Day 1: Introduction to computational precision medicine

When: September 3, 13.00-17.00

Where: Building 210, room 142/148

What: Lecture and self study

Program (click to expand) 13.00 - 14.00: Lecture: Introduction to computational precision medicine
On your own time: Go through the assigned curriculum for day 2 (self study)

Today’s learning objectives (click to expand) After today (and the recap tomorrow morning) you will be able to:
* Describe the purpose of bioinformatics in precision medicine, with examples from diagnostics, prognostics, and therapeutics

Curriculum for Day 2 (click to expand) Short history of gene expression profiling
Next generation sequencing of RNA (RNA-seq)
Introduction to RNA-seq data
The Cancer Genome Atlas Legacy: Pushing the Boundaries of Research
Introduction to the UCSC Xena data collection
Introduction to the molecular pathogenesis of cancer (also known as “the hallmarks of cancer”)
Your turn! Find resources for these concepts and how to do them in R:
* Batch effects/technical variance in gene expression data
* Principal component analysis
* Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Spearman’s correlation coefficient, and R^2 (also look up “Simpson’s paradox”)
* Heatmaps, hierarchical clustering, and dendrograms
* Boxplots

Day 2: Brush up on theory + working with expression data in R

When: September 10, 13.00-17.00

Where: Building 210, room 142/148

What: Q&A, exercises, and self study

Program (click to expand) 13.00 - 14.00: Q&A: introduction to precision medicine + “theoretical brush up”
14.00 - 17.00: Exercise: working with gene expression data in R
On your own time: Go through the assigned materials for day 3 (self study)

Today’s learning objectives (click to expand) After today you will be able to:
* Understand how microarrays work
* Understand how RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) works
* Understand and apply the basic concepts of principal component analysis (PCA)
* Understand and apply the basic concept of correlation between vectors using 1) Pearson’s correlation coefficient, 2) Spearman’s correlation coefficient, and 3) R^2
* Understand the basic concept of Simpson’s paradox and why it matters
* Understand the difference between the data coming out of RNA seq experiments and microarrays
* Understand the basic concept of gene expression matrices
* Understand the basic concept of expression distributions
* Understand the basic concepts of batch effects/technical variance in expression data
Note: when I write “understand” I mean the basic intuition of concepts. You will not be asked about the underlying biology or math unless specified.
Note: whenever I write “apply” it is implied that this is in R (unless otherwise specified)

Exercise (click to expand)

For this exercise, you will work with data from the cancer genome atlas (TCGA) processed by the kind people behind the Xena browser. You can explore a bit here (we have downloaded the data and wrangled it a bit for the exercises)
RNA-seq based expression data for glioblastoma multiforme (TCGA data)


#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 2 practical: working with gene expression data in R
#### By Lars Ronn Olsen
#### 09/09/2024
#### Technical University of Denmark

## Load necessary packages (you can back fill once you know what packages you will use)

## Load the expression and phenotype data

## You will find 3 data objects saved in this Rdata file:
## gbm_counts - the raw counts of reads mapping to each gene
## gbm_fpkm - the gene length and library size normalized counts for each gene
## gbm_pheno - a lot of data pertaining to the samples
## All three objects have been downloaded from the Xenabrowser and then wrangled a bit to make it easier to work with

## Check out the distribution of the expression in gbm_counts. Just for a sample or two. What kind of distribution are you looking at?

## Check out the distribution of the expression in gbm_fpkm. Also just for a sample or two. What changed? Why should we transform the raw counts when visualizing data?

## Take a closer look at the gbm_phenotype. Specifically the column called "sample_type.samples" and read here:

## Take a closer look at the column called "batch_number" and read here: (you only need to look at the first portion of the batch code)

## Calculate PCA on count matrix
## Why did this not work? You might need to ask Google or chatGPT

## Solve the problem and try again

## Check out how much variance is explained
## Is this more or less than you would expect/hope for?

## Plot the first two principal components of the PCA

## Now try the same with FPKM transformed data
## Do you get the same results in terms of variance explained and visualization of PC1 and PC2? Why/why not? Which do you think is better to use?

## Plot PCA of FPKM and color by batch
## Do you anticipate batch effects in this dataset?

## Plot PCA and color by sample type
## How does this look?

Exercise answers (click to expand)
#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 2 practical: working with gene expression data in R
#### By Lars Ronn Olsen
#### 09/09/2024
#### Technical University of Denmark

## Load necessary packages (you can back fill once you know what packages you will use)

## Load the expression and phenotype data

## You will find 3 data objects saved in this Rdata file:
## gbm_counts - the raw counts of reads mapping to each gene
## gbm_fpkm - the gene length and library size normalized counts for each gene
## gbm_pheno - a lot of data pertaining to the samples
## All three objects have been downloaded from the Xenabrowser and then wrangled a bit to make it easier to work with

## Check out the distribution of the expression in gbm_counts. Just for a sample or two. What kind of distribution are you looking at?
df <- data.frame(sample = gbm_counts[,1])
ggplot(df, aes(x = sample)) +

## Check out the distribution of the expression in gbm_fpkm. Also just for a sample or two. What changed? Why should we transform the raw counts when visualizing data?
df <- data.frame(sample = gbm_fpkm[,1])
ggplot(df, aes(x = sample)) +

## Take a closer look at the gbm_phenotype. Specifically the column called "sample_type.samples" and read here:

## Take a closer look at the column called "batch_number" and read here: (you only need to look at the first portion of the batch code)

## Calculate PCA on count matrix
pca_count <- prcomp(t(gbm_counts), scale. = TRUE)
## Why did this not work? You might need to ask Google or chatGPT

## Solve the problem and try again
gbm_counts <- gbm_counts[rowSums(gbm_counts) > 0,]
pca_count <- prcomp(t(gbm_counts), scale. = TRUE)

## Check out how much variance is explained
## Is this more or less than you would expect/hope for?

## Plot the first two principal components of the PCA
df <- data.frame(PC1 = pca_count$x[,1], PC2 = pca_count$x[,2])
ggplot(df, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) +

## Now try the same with FPKM transformed data
gbm_fpkm <- gbm_fpkm[rowSums(gbm_fpkm) > 0,]
pca_fpkm <- prcomp(t(gbm_fpkm), scale. = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(PC1 = pca_fpkm$x[,1], PC2 = pca_fpkm$x[,2])
ggplot(df, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) +
## Do you get the same results in terms of variance explained and visualization of PC1 and PC2? Why/why not? Which do you think is better to use?

## Plot PCA of FPKM and color by batch
df <- data.frame(PC1 = pca_fpkm$x[,1], PC2 = pca_fpkm$x[,2], batch = gbm_pheno[match(colnames(gbm_fpkm), gbm_pheno$submitter_id.samples),]$batch_number)
ggplot(df, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = batch)) +
## Do you anticipate batch effects in this dataset?

## Plot PCA and color by sample type
df <- data.frame(PC1 = pca_fpkm$x[,1], PC2 = pca_fpkm$x[,2], type = gbm_pheno[match(colnames(gbm_fpkm), gbm_pheno$submitter_id.samples),]$sample_type.samples)
ggplot(df, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = type)) +
## How does this look?

Self-evaluation quiz (click to expand) Multiple choice quiz for todays curriculum. NOTE This is a subset of what you need to know about these topics. It is not a comprehensive list of what you need to know!

1. What can PCA be used for?
a) Visualization of multidimensional sample differences
b) Dimensionality reduction
c) Visualization of batch effects
d) All of the above

2. What are the units of the axes in a PCA plot?
a) Gene expression
b) Variance in the data
c) Eigenvalues
d) Raw component scores

3. What are the units of gene quantification in RNA sequencing?
a) Transcripts per million
b) Fragments per kilobase per million
c) Number of reads mapped to a given transcript
d) All of the above

4. What is the distribution of RNA sequencing counts?
a) Normal distribution
b) Beta distribution
c) Negative binomial distribution
d) T distribution

5. What is the purpose of computational precision medicine?
a) Finding and evaluating new therapeutic targets
b) Supporting the practices of precision medicine with data analysis
c) Supporting of precision diagnostics by large-scale data analysis
d) All of the above

6. What is the difference between Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation coefficients?
a) Pearson’s correlation coefficient is used to calculate correlations in gene expression values, whereas Pearson’s correlation coefficient is used to calculate correlations in mutational loads
b) Pearson’s correlation evaluates the linear relationship between two continuous variables, whereas Spearman’s correlation evaluates the monotonic relationship
c) Spearmans’s correlation evaluates the linear relationship between two continuous variables, whereas Pearson’s correlation evaluates the monotonic relationship
d) None of the above

7. What are batch effects?
a) Biological variance that we want to remove
b) Biological variance that we want to keep
c) Technical variance that we want to remove
d) Technical variance that we want to keep

8. How many dimensions are produced using PCA?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) same as the number of features in the orignal space

9. What is the purpose of the UCSC Xena project?
a) Enabling visual data analysis
b) A standardized pre-processing of mulitple omics data sets
c) A repository of gene expression data
d) All of the above

10. Which of the following are NOT a hallmark of cancer
a) Replicative immortality
b) Resistance to immunotherapy
c) Resistance to programmed cell death
d) Genomic instability

Self-evaluation quiz answers (click to expand) d, d, d, c, d, b, c, d, d, b

Curriculum for Day 3 (click to expand) Introduction to the DESeq2 R package
DESeq2 tutorial
Introduction to volcano plots
Introduction to gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)
GSEA tutorial using the fgsea R package

Day 3: Differential expression analysis and gene set enrichment analysis

When: September 17, 13.00-17.00

Where: Building 210, room 142/148

What: Q&A, exercises, and self study

Program (click to expand) 13.00 - 14.00: Q&A: Working with gene expression data in R
14.00 - 17.00: Exercise: Differential expression analysis and gene set enrichment analysis
On your own time: Go through the assigned materials for day 4 (self study)

Today’s learning objectives (click to expand) After today you will be able to:
* Understand and apply linear models for differential expression analysis
* Understand and apply gene set enrichment analysis
* Apply and interpret volcano plots
Note: when I write “understand” I mean the basic intuition of concepts. You will not be asked about the underlying biology or math unless specified.
Note: whenever I write “apply” it is implied that this is in R (unless otherwise specified)

#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 3 practical: Differential gene expression analysis and gene set enrichment analysis
#### By Puck Quarles van Ufford
#### 09/09/2024
#### Technical University of Denmark

## In this exercise, we will analyse data from patients with colon cancer in the TCGA. We will compare patients who did and did not survive.

## Load necessary packages (

## Load the data for this week's exercises

## Have a look at the two objects in the data and see if you understand what they are.
## What is the difference between long and wide data and how is the counts data represented?
## In the survival data object, what do the columns represent? Maybe Google around a bit to find out (or ask ChatGPT perhaps)

## Filter the counts data and the survival data so it only has overlapping samples

## Convert the counts data to a matrix, where the rownames are genes and the column names are samples

## For the survival data, convert the rownames to sample names

## Make sure column names in the counts matrix are in the same order as the rownames in the survival data

## Create a DESeq data set using overall survival (OS) for the design

## Run DESeq2 on the DESeq data set and look at the results (this make take few minutes, so go and get a coffee)

## Convert the results to a data frame and add a column indicating if the results is significant or not

## Create a volcano plot with ggplot (optional: play around here a bit with colors and themes to improve the readability of your plot)

## Prepare a list of ranked genes by extracting the column with "stat" changes from the DESeq2 results and name the list with the gene IDs

## Remove missing values from the ranked gene list

## Load the GO term category (called "C5") and biological process subcategory (called "BP") from MSigDB for human genes and get a list of gene symbols for each gene set

## Run fgsea using the gene sets as pathways and the ranked list of genes as stats

## Create a bar plot showing the normalized enrichment scores of the top 5 most enriched significant pathways 
Exercise answers (click to expand)
#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 3 practical: Differential gene expression analysis and gene set enrichment analysis
#### By Puck Quarles van Ufford
#### 09/09/2024
#### Technical University of Denmark

## In this exercise, we will analyse data from patients with colon cancer in the TCGA. We will compare patients who did and did not survive.

## Load necessary packages 

## Load the data for this week's exercises

## Have a look at the two objects in the data and see if you understand what they are.
## What is the difference between long and wide data and how is the counts data represented?
## In the survival data object, what do the columns represent? Maybe Google around a bit to find out (or ask ChatGPT perhaps)

## Filter the counts data and the survival data so it only has overlapping samples
counts_samples <- unique(COAD_counts$sample)
surv_samples <- surv$sample
overlapping_samples <- intersect(counts_samples, surv_samples)
COAD_counts_filtered <- filter(COAD_counts, sample %in% overlapping_samples)
surv_filtered <- filter(surv, sample %in% overlapping_samples)

## Convert the counts data to a matrix, where the rownames are genes and the column names are samples
COAD_counts_matrix <- COAD_counts_filtered |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = sample,
              values_from = count) |> 

## For the survival data, convert the rownames to sample names
surv_filtered <- column_to_rownames(surv_filtered, "sample")

## Make sure column names in the counts matrix are in the same order as the rownames in the survival data
surv_filtered <- surv_filtered[overlapping_samples,]  
COAD_counts_matrix <- COAD_counts_matrix[, overlapping_samples,]

## Create a DESeq data set using overall survival (OS) for the design
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = COAD_counts_matrix,
                              colData = surv_filtered,
                              design = ~ OS)

## Run DESeq2 on the DESeq data set and look at the results (this make take few minutes, so go and get a coffee)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
res <- results(dds)

## Convert the results to a data frame and add a column indicating if the results is significant or not
res_df <- as_data_frame(res) |> 
  mutate(significant = padj < 0.05)

## Create a volcano plot with ggplot (optional: play around here a bit with colors and themes to improve the readability of your plot)
       mapping = aes(x = log2FoldChange, 
                     y = -log10(padj), 
                     color = significant)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("grey", "red")) +
  labs(x = "Log2 Fold Change", 
       y = "-Log10 Adjusted P-value", 
       title = "Volcano Plot") + 

## Prepare a list of ranked genes by extracting the column with "stat" changes from the DESeq2 results and name the list with the gene IDs
ranked_genes <- res$stat
names(ranked_genes) <- rownames(res) 

## Remove missing values from the ranked gene list
ranked_genes <- ranked_genes[!]

## Load the GO term category (called "C5") and biological process subcategory (called "BP") from MSigDB for human genes and get a list of gene symbols for each gene set
gene_sets <- msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens", category = "C5", subcategory = "BP")
gene_sets <- split(x = gene_sets$gene_symbol, f = gene_sets$gs_name)

## Run fgsea using the gene sets as pathways and the ranked list of genes as stats
fgsea_res <- fgsea(pathways = gene_sets,
                   stats = ranked_genes) 

## Create a bar plot showing the normalized enrichment scores of the top 5 most enriched significant pathways 
topPathways <- fgsea_res  |> 
  dplyr::arrange(padj) |> 

       mapping = aes(x = reorder(pathway, NES), 
                     y = NES)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = "Pathway", 
       y = "Normalized Enrichment Score (NES)", 
       title = "Top 10 Enriched Pathways") +
Self-evaluation quiz (click to expand)

Multiple choice quiz for todays curriculum. NOTE This is a subset of what you need to know about these topics. It is not a comprehensive list of what you need to know!

  1. What is the primary function of DESeq2 in differential gene expression analysis?
  1. To perform clustering of gene expression data
  2. To normalize and model count data for identifying differentially expressed genes
  3. To visualize gene expression data as heatmaps
  4. To conduct pathway enrichment analysis

  1. In a volcano plot, what do the x-axis and y-axis typically represent?
  1. Gene ID and expression level
  2. Log2 fold change and p-value
  3. p-value and log10 transformed expression level
  4. Gene length and mean expression

  1. Which of the following is a key step in preparing data for DESeq2 analysis?
  1. Performing gene set enrichment analysis
  2. Normalizing count data using TPM (Transcripts Per Million)
  3. Transforming count data using a variance stabilizing transformation
  4. Generating a heatmap of raw count data

  1. How does DESeq2 account for differences in sequencing depth between samples?
  1. By applying quantile normalization
  2. By using a log transformation of count data
  3. By estimating size factors for normalization
  4. By directly comparing raw counts

  1. In the context of volcano plots, what does a high absolute value of log2 fold change indicate?
  1. Low statistical significance
  2. High statistical significance
  3. Low gene expression compared to the baseline group
  4. High gene expression compared to the baseline group

  1. Which statistical measure can be used in fgsea to rank genes for gene set enrichment analysis?
  1. Log2 fold change
  2. p-value
  3. t-statistic
  4. All of the above

  1. When interpreting the results from fgsea, what does a normalized enrichment score (NES) represent?
  1. The proportion of significant genes in a gene set
  2. The strength and direction of gene set enrichment
  3. The raw p-value for gene set enrichment
  4. The size of the gene set

  1. In a DESeq2 results table, what does the “padj” column represent?
  1. The log2 fold change of gene expression
  2. The raw p-value adjusted for multiple testing
  3. The mean expression level across samples
  4. The size factor used for normalization

  1. What is the purpose of including a control group in a DESeq2 analysis?
  1. To measure the absolute gene expression levels
  2. To provide a baseline for comparison of differential expression
  3. To normalize data for batch effects
  4. To perform hierarchical clustering

  1. Which output from fgsea can be used to determine which gene sets are significantly enriched in your data?
  1. Enrichment score (ES)
  2. Normalized enrichment score (NES)
  3. p-value
  4. FDR (False Discovery Rate)

Self-evaluation quiz answers (click to expand) B, B, C, C, D, D, B, B, B, C

Curriculum for Day 4 (click to expand) Paper decribing molecular subtyping of cancer
Paper describing bioinformatics pipelines for molecular subtyping of cancer
Your turn! Find resources about the following concepts:
* Euclidean distance
* Distance to centroid classification
* k-nearest neighbor classification (kNN)
* Single sample gene set enrichment analysis (ssGSEA)
* The GSVA R package for performing ssGSEA
* The concept of cross-validation in machine learning (we will use “leave one out”)

Day 4: Computational precision diagnostics: molecular subtyping of cancer - part 1

When: September 24, 13.00-17.00

Where: Building 210, room 142/148

What: Q&A, exercises, and self study

Program (click to expand) 13.00 - 14.00: Follow-up on day 3 exercises + Q&A: Differential expression analysis and gene set enrichment analysis
14.00 - 17.00: Exercises: classifying patients samples to existing subtypes
On your own time: Go through the assigned materials for day 5 (self study)

Today’s learning objectives After today you will be able to:
* Understand the basic concept of molecular subtyping of cancer
* Describe the concept of distance between vectors
* Apply Euclidean distance to an expression matrix
* Understand and apply distance to centroid classification on microarray data
* Understand and apply the k-nearest neighbor classification algorithm on microarray data
* Understand and apply single sample gene set enrichment analysis (ssGSEA) on microarray data


Today we will be working with microarray gene expression data for cancer subtyping. These data were generate by researchers at the “Cartes d’Identité des Tumeurs program” (CIT) in Paris. They used the microarrays to generate expression data from 355 breast cancer patients. They then used 245 genes to divide the patients into 6 strata, with different clinical characteristics. The file “ex4.Rdata” contains the following five objects:
CIT_full contains microarray expression of all genes for all samples
CIT_subtyping contains microarray expression of 245 subtyping genes for all samples
CIT_class contains the subtypes for all 355 samples
CIT_genesets contains genes upregulated in each subtype
Bordet_RNA_tpm you will not need this object until next week
You can read more about the data set here


#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 4 practical: clustering and feature selection for molecular subtyping
#### By Lars Ronn Olsen
#### 06/06/2023
#### Technical University of Denmark

## Load necessary packages

## Load exercise data

## Check out the distribution of the expression of a sample or two in CIT_full (or all)

# Does it look different from RNA-seq? How? Why?

## Do a leave-one-out classification of CIT subtyping cohort using distance to centroid (DTC)
# For the classifications, with DTC and kNN you should use CIT_subtyping, for ssGSEA you should use CIT_full. Why?
# You can do this however you would like, but here is how I would approach it in base:

# make empty prediction vector

# loop over samples (columns)

  # make a training matrix consisting of all samples but the one you leave out
  # remove that samples class from the class vector
  # make a test vector consisting of only that sample
  # get the class of that sample
  # make an empty centroid matrix
  # loop over each of the six classes
    # for each of these classes, subset the training matrix to samples belonging to that class, and calculate the mean expression of each probe in the class
    # add the mean vector to the centroids matrix
  # add colnames to the centroid matrix
  # calculate the distance of the test sample to the centroids
  # assign the class of the closest centroid
  # check if you got it right and make a logical vector
# check how many of the cases you got it right

# Does DTC classification work?

## Do a leave-one-out classification of CIT subtyping cohort using kNN with the e1071 package (get some inspiration from the results if you have not worked with this package before)

# decide on a k (you could try 5 for a start)

# make empty prediction vector

# loop over all samples

# check how many of the cases you got it right

# Does kNN classification work? Maybe try another k?

## Do a classification of CIT training samples using ssGSEA (NOTE: you should use the CIT_full for this - why?)
Exercise answers (click to expand)
#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 4 practical: clustering and feature selection for molecular subtyping
#### By Lars Ronn Olsen
#### 06/06/2023
#### Technical University of Denmark

## Load necessary packages

## Load expression data

## Check out the distribution of the expression of a sample or two (or all)
df <- data.frame(microarray = CIT_full[,1])
ggplot(df, aes(x = microarray)) +

# Does it look different from RNA-seq? How? Why?
# Microarray data is largely normally distributed, while RNA seq (counts) follows a negative binomial distribution.

## Do a leave-one-out classification of CIT subtyping cohort using distance to centroid (DTC)
# make empty prediction vector
pred_vector <- c()
# loop over samples (columns)
for(i in 1:ncol(CIT_subtyping)) {
  # make a training matrix consisting of all samples but the one you leave out
  training <- CIT_subtyping[,-i]
  # remove that samples class from the class vector
  training_classes <- CIT_classes[-i]
  # make a test vector consisting of only that sample
  test <- CIT_subtyping[,i]
  # get the class of that sample
  test_class <- CIT_classes[i]
  # make an empty centroid matrix
  centroids <- NULL
  # loop over each of the six classes
  for (class in unique(CIT_classes)) {
    # for each of these classes, subset the training matrix to samples belonging to that class, and calculate the mean expression of each probe in the class
    class_centroid <- rowMeans(training[,training_classes==class])
    # add the mean vector to the centroids matrix
    centroids <- cbind(centroids, class_centroid)
  # add colnames to the centroid matrix
  colnames(centroids) <- unique(CIT_classes)
  # calculate the distance of the test sample to the centroids
  d <- as.matrix(dist(t(cbind(centroids, test))))
  # assign the class of the closest centroid
  class_pred <- names(which.min(d[1:6,7]))
  # check if you got it right and make a logical vector
  pred_vector <- c(pred_vector, test_class==class_pred)
# check how many of the cases you got it right

# Does DTC classification work?

## Do a leave-one-out classification of CIT subtyping cohort using kNN
# decide on a k (you could try 5 for a start)
k <- 5
# make empty prediction vector
knn_pred <- c()
# loop over all samples
for(i in 1:ncol(CIT_subtyping)) {
  knn_pred <- c(knn_pred, as.vector(knn(train = t(CIT_subtyping[,-i]), test = CIT_subtyping[,i], cl = as.factor(CIT_classes[-i]), k = k)))

# check how many of the cases you got it right

# Does kNN classification work? Maybe try another k?

## Do a classification of CIT training samples using ssGSEA (NOTE: you should use the CIT_full for this)
ssGSEA_enrichments <- gsva(expr = CIT_full, gset.idx.list = CIT_genesets, method = "ssgsea")
ssGSEA_pred <- apply(ssGSEA_enrichments, 2, which.max)
ssGSEA_pred <- rownames(ssGSEA_enrichments)[ssGSEA_pred]
Self-evaluation quiz (click to expand) Multiple choice quiz for todays curriculum. NOTE This is a subset of what you need to know about these topics. It is not a comprehensive list of what you need to know!

1. What is the purpose of molecular subtyping cancer samples?
a) To identify specific genetic mutations within cancer cells
b) To determine the appropriate treatment options for individual patients
c) To classify cancer samples into distinct subgroups based on molecular characteristics
d) All of the above

2. In K-nearest neighbors (KNN) classification, what does the value of K represent?
a) The number of features used for classification
b) The distance metric used to calculate similarity between data points
c) The number of neighbors considered for classification
d) The confidence level of the classification result

3. In distance to centroid classification, how is the class label of a new data point determined?
a) By comparing the distances of the data point to all other data points
b) By calculating the average distance of the data point to all other data points
c) By assigning the class label of the centroid closest to the data point
d) By considering the distances of the data point to all the data points of all classes

4. Which of the following is a commonly used approach for molecular subtyping of cancer?
a) Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
b) Next-generation sequencing (NGS)
c) Gene expression profiling
d) All of the above

5. What is the primary objective of single sample gene set enrichment analysis (ssGSEA)?
a) To identify differentially expressed genes in multiple samples
b) To determine the functional enrichment of gene sets in a single sample
c) To quantify the expression levels of individual genes in a given sample
d) To measure the degree of correlation between gene expression patterns in a single sample and predefined gene sets associated with specific biological functions or pathways

6. What is the CIT subtyping scheme?
a) A machine learning method for Centralized Intelligent Training
b) A framework defining Clinical Individual Treatments
c) A data set for Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy
d) None of the above

7. Why are we using leave-one-out for cross-validation instead of the more common five-fold cross-validation? a) Because the training data set is quite small, and if we leave out too much of it, we risk changing the very definition of the subtypes
b) Because it is computationally a lot faster to leave one sample out, than to leave out a fifth
c) Because using leave-one-out minimizes the false positive rate
d) All of the above

8. Why am I teaching you to work with microarray data when RNA seq provides a more comprehensive gene expression profiling?
a) It is better than RNA sequencing for cancer samples
b) A lot of existing cancer subtyping schemes are defined on microarray data
c) It is still cheaper than RNA sequencing
d) All of the above

Self-evaluation quiz answers (click to expand) c, c, c, d, b, d, a, b

Curriculum for Day 5

Paper describing how to make RNA seq backwards compatible with microarray data
Paper describing prediction of tumour purity and stromal and immune cell admixture from expression data
Paper describing bioinformatics pipelines for molecular subtyping of cancer - This is same paper as last week, but re-read with a focus on the n+1 sample integration approach and think about why we did it differently in this paper than we did in the paper above, where we used the tool called ComBat. You will need to consult Supplementary Figure 4 (see under “Additional Information”). Also focus on the effects of tumor purity. See Supplementary Figure 1
Tumor microenvironment and tumor heterogeneity (read introduction, review the video and Figure 1)
Your turn! Find resources about the following concepts:
* Kendall Tau distance between ranked vectors
* How to apply the ESTIMATE algorithm using the “immunedeconv” package

Day 5: Computational precision diagnostics: molecular subtyping of cancer - part 2

When: October 1, 13.00-17.00

Where: Building 210, room 142/148

What: Q&A, exercises, and self study

Program (click to expand) 13.00 - 14.00: Follow-up on day 4 exercises + Q&A: Molecular subtyping of cancer
14.00 - 17.00: Exercises: examining samples characterized with RNA sequencing in terms of subtypes + examining the impact of cellular composition (tumor purity)
On your own time: Go through the assigned materials for day 6 (self study)

Today’s learning objectives After today you will be able to:
* Understand the difference between technical and biological sample differences
* Calculate the purity of a tumor sample using the ESTIMATE algorithm
* Understand the difference between microarray-based gene expression and RNA sequencing-based gene expression
* Adjust for both technical and biological samples differences
* Critically assess impact of these adjustments on cancer subtyping


Today we will be working with RNA sequencing gene expression data for cancer subtyping. These data were generate by researchers at the “The Institut Jules Bordet” in Anderlecht They used RNA sequencing to generate expression data from 41 breast cancer patients. The file “ex5.Rdata” contains the following five objects:
CIT_full contains microarray expression of all genes for all samples, quantified using the Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 microarray
CIT_subtyping contains microarray expression of 245 subtyping genes for all samples
CIT_classes contains the subtypes for all 355 samples
Bordet_microarray contains gene expression quantified using the Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 microarray
Bordet_reference_mapped_tpm contains gene expression quantified by mapping reads to a reference transcriptome
Bordet_probe_mapped_tpm contains gene expression quantified by mapping reads to the probe sequences of the Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 microarray
You can read more about the Bordet data set here


#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 5 practical: clustering and feature selection for molecular subtyping
#### By Lars Ronn Olsen
#### 01/10/2024
#### Technical University of Denmark

## Load necessary packages

## Load the data for this week's exercises

## First, we will look into the effects of technical variance on subtyping. One source of technical variance is when samples are processed in different labs, another source is when expression is quantified using different technologies. Today we will compare microarray data with RNA sequencing data generated at different labs.

## Use the DTC classifier from last week to classify the *microarray* data generated at the Bordet institute based on the CIT training data.
## Q: what do you observe here? Are the results believable?

## Co-visualize the training data (CIT) with the test data (Bordet microarray) in a PCA plot. Use only the subtyping genes.
## Q: what do you see? Does this visualization agree with your analysis above?

## Now repeat the classification and visualization with the *microarray* data generated at the Bordet institut, only this time transform each sample to gene expression ranks. Remember to do the same for the training data, and remember to use the appropriate distance metric
## Q: what do you observe here? Are the results different from above?
## Q: we don't know what subtypes the new samples are, so we cannot evaluate performance against a "ground truth". Can you think of a way to evaluate whether the new samples are comparable to the training data? Hint: what are their distance to the centroids compared to the training data samples?

## Now use the DTC classifier to classify the *reference mapped* RNA sequencing data generated at the Bordet institute.
## Q: what do you observe here? Are the results believable?
## Q: we don't know what subtypes the new samples are, so we cannot evaluate performance against a "ground truth". Can you think of a way to detect outliers in the new samples compared with the training data? Hint: what are their distance to the centroids compared to the training data samples?

## Co-visualize the training data (CIT) with the test data (Bordet reference mapped) in a PCA plot. Use only the subtyping genes.
## Q: what do you see? Does this visualization agree with your analysis above?

## Now repeat the classification, outlier detection, and visualization with the *probe-mapped* RNA sequencing data generated at the Bordet institute.
## Q: does this work? Why / why not?

## Lastly, repeat the classification, outlier detection, and visualization with *rank transformed probe-mapped* RNA sequencing data generated at the Bordet institute
## Q: does this work? Why / why not?

## Now we will switch gears from cross-platform integration, to looking into the effects of tumor purity
## For this we will use the algorithm, ESTIMATE, as implemented in the "immunedeconv" package

## Run ESTIMATE on the CIT samples (remember to use the full gene expression matrix)
## Q: why do I ask you to use the full gene expression matrix?
## Q: do the subtypes differ in their purity?

## Now use the removeBatchEffect() function from the limma package to adjust the CIT training gene expression values for purity (you can adjust the subtyping genes only). This normalizes the samples to the gene expression levels they would have if they all had the exact same purity
## Try to do some simple visualizations of the effects ESTIMATE has on the expression. E.g. plot the correlation between adjusted vs non-adjusted gene expression values in a random sample. 
## Q: what happened?

## Use the DTC classifier to classify the purity adjusted samples (use rank transformed expression values)
## Q: what happened? Did any samples shift subtype? Why do you think this is?

## Take a moment to think deeply about what purity means for a sample. 
## Q: are all the non-tumor cells in the sample irrelevant, or could they mean something in terms of patient survival therapy response? 
## Q: should classification always be done on purity adjusted samples in your opinion?
Exercise answers (click to expand)
#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 5 practical: clustering and feature selection for molecular subtyping
#### By Lars Ronn Olsen
#### 01/10/2024
#### Technical University of Denmark

## Load necessary packages

## Load the data for this week's exercises

## First, we will look into the effects of technical variance on subtyping. One source of technical variance is when samples are processed in different labs, another source is when expression is quantified using different technologies. Today we will compare microarray data with RNA sequencing data generated at different labs.

## Use the DTC classifier from last week to classify the *microarray* data generated at the Bordet institute based on the CIT training data.

# Subset the Bordet microarray data and the CIT subtyping data to the overlapping genes, order them
Bordet_microarray_subtyping <- Bordet_microarray[rownames(Bordet_microarray) %in% rownames(CIT_subtyping),]
Bordet_microarray_subtyping <- Bordet_microarray_subtyping[order(rownames(Bordet_microarray_subtyping)),]
CIT_subtyping_2 <- CIT_subtyping[rownames(CIT_subtyping) %in% rownames(Bordet_microarray_subtyping),]
CIT_subtyping_2 <- CIT_subtyping_2[order(rownames(CIT_subtyping_2)),]

# Calculate the centroids
centroids <- NULL
# loop over each of the six classes
for (class in unique(CIT_classes)) {
  # for each of these classes, subset the training matrix to samples belonging to that class, and calculate the mean expression of each gene in the class
  class_centroid <- rowMeans(CIT_subtyping_2[,CIT_classes==class])
  # add the mean vector to the centroids matrix
  centroids <- cbind(centroids, class_centroid)
# add colnames to the centroid matrix
colnames(centroids) <- unique(CIT_classes)

# calculate distances
d <- as.matrix(dist(t(cbind(centroids, Bordet_microarray_subtyping))))

# subset to the Bordet samples in the rows, and the centroids in the columns
d <- d[7:nrow(d), 1:6]

# determine classes
Bordet_subtypes <- apply(d, 1, which.min)
Bordet_subtypes <- colnames(d)[Bordet_subtypes]

## Q: what do you observe here? Are the results believable?
# Could be OK, but maybe a bit surprising that there is only 1 LumA and 1 LumB

## Co-visualize the training data (CIT) with the test data (Bordet microarray) in a PCA plot. Use only the subtyping genes.
pca <- prcomp(t(cbind(CIT_subtyping_2, Bordet_microarray_subtyping)), scale. = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(PC1 = pca$x[,1], PC2 = pca$x[,2], subtype = c(CIT_classes, Bordet_subtypes), dataset = c(rep("CIT", length(CIT_classes)), rep("Bordet", length(Bordet_subtypes))))
ggplot(df, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = subtype, shape = dataset)) +
ggplot(df, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = dataset)) +

## Q: what do you see? Does this visualization agree with your analysis above?
# I see that the Bordet samples appear to be located somewhat above the CIT samples. This indicates that PC2 likely captures technical variation. This also explains the very few LumA and LumB classifications, since these are at the bottom of the PC plot

## Now repeat the classification and visualization with the *microarray* data generated at the Bordet institut, only this time transform each sample to gene expression ranks. Remember to do the same for the training data, and remember to use the appropriate distance metric

# Rank the centroids, the Bordet data, and the CIT data
centroids_rank <- apply(centroids, 2, rank)
Bordet_microarray_subtyping_rank <- apply(Bordet_microarray_subtyping, 2, rank)
CIT_subtyping_2_rank <- apply(CIT_subtyping_2, 2, rank)

# Repeat the DTC classification, but this time using Kendall's Tau distance
d <- t(apply(X = Bordet_microarray_subtyping_rank, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) DistanceBlock(mat = t(centroids_rank), r = x)))
colnames(d) <- colnames(centroids_rank)
Bordet_subtypes_rank <- apply(d, 1, which.min)
Bordet_subtypes_rank <- colnames(d)[Bordet_subtypes_rank]

# Visualize
## Co-visualize the training data (CIT) with the test data (Bordet microarray) in a PCA plot. Use only the subtyping genes.
pca <- prcomp(t(cbind(CIT_subtyping_2_rank, Bordet_microarray_subtyping_rank)), scale. = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(PC1 = pca$x[,1], PC2 = pca$x[,2], subtype = c(CIT_classes, Bordet_subtypes_rank), dataset = c(rep("CIT", length(CIT_classes)), rep("Bordet", length(Bordet_subtypes_rank))))
ggplot(df, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = subtype, shape = dataset)) +
ggplot(df, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = dataset)) +

## Q: what do you observe here? Are the results different from above?
# Looks better, but still with less variance across PC2 than I would expect if the Bordet samples were randomly sampled and represent the background distribution of the subtypes (Guedj et al. claims that the subtype distribution they observe reflects the background distribution)

## Q: we don't know what subtypes the new samples are, so we cannot evaluate performance against a "ground truth". Can you think of a way to evaluate whether the new samples are comparable to the training data? Hint: what are their distance to the centroids compared to the training data samples?
# We can test whether the distances between the Bordet samples and the centroids falls within the distance that the CIT samples have from their respective centroids

d <- t(apply(X = CIT_subtyping_2_rank, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) DistanceBlock(mat = t(centroids_rank), r = x)))
colnames(d) <- colnames(centroids_rank)

# Comparing with the distances from Bordet to the centroids, it does appear that the Bordet samples are outliers
d <- t(apply(X = Bordet_microarray_subtyping_rank, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) DistanceBlock(mat = t(centroids_rank), r = x)))
colnames(d) <- colnames(centroids_rank)

## Now use the DTC classifier to classify the *reference mapped* RNA sequencing data generated at the Bordet institute.
## Q: what do you observe here? Are the results believable?
## Q: we don't know what subtypes the new samples are, so we cannot evaluate performance against a "ground truth". Can you think of a way to detect outliers in the new samples compared with the training data? Hint: what are their distance to the centroids compared to the training data samples?

## Co-visualize the training data (CIT) with the test data (Bordet reference mapped) in a PCA plot. Use only the subtyping genes.
## Q: what do you see? Does this visualization agree with your analysis above?

## Now repeat the classification, outlier detection, and visualization with the *probe-mapped* RNA sequencing data generated at the Bordet institute.
## Q: does this work? Why / why not?

## Lastly, repeat the classification, outlier detection, and visualization with *rank transformed probe-mapped* RNA sequencing data generated at the Bordet institute
## Q: does this work? Why / why not?

## Now we will switch gears from cross-platform integration, to looking into the effects of tumor purity
## For this we will use the algorithm, ESTIMATE, as implemented in the "immunedeconv" package

## Run ESTIMATE on the CIT samples (remember to use the full gene expression matrix)
purity <- deconvolute_estimate(CIT_full)

## Q: why do I ask you to use the full gene expression matrix?
# Because the ESTIMATE algorithm requires all the genes to calculate the purity

## Q: do the subtypes differ in their purity?
# Yes. See supplementary Figure 1 in the Pedersen et al. 2023 paper in the curriculum for today. You can also plot the distribution of "TumorPurity" for each subtype

## Now use the removeBatchEffect() function from the limma package to adjust the CIT training gene expression values for purity (you can adjust the subtyping genes only). This normalizes the samples to the gene expression levels they would have if they all had the exact same purity
CIT_full_purity_adjusted <- removeBatchEffect(CIT_full, covariates = t(purity[4,]))

## Try to do some simple visualizations of the effects ESTIMATE has on the expression. E.g. plot the correlation between adjusted vs non-adjusted gene expression values in a random sample.
df <- data.frame(nonadjusted = CIT_full[10,], adjusted = CIT_full_purity_adjusted[10,])
ggplot(df, aes(x = nonadjusted, y = adjusted)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") +

## Q: what happened?
# For the majority of genes, not a whole lot happens. It appears to be minor differences. However, some genes actually do change quite a bit
correlations <- c()
for(i in 1:nrow(CIT_full)) {
  correlations <- c(correlations, cor(CIT_full[i,], CIT_full_purity_adjusted[i,]))
df <- data.frame(nonadjusted = CIT_full[which.min(correlations),], adjusted = CIT_full_purity_adjusted[which.min(correlations),])
ggplot(df, aes(x = nonadjusted, y = adjusted)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") +

## Use the DTC classifier to classify the purity adjusted samples (use rank transformed expression values)
## Q: what happened? Did any samples shift subtype? Why do you think this is?

## Take a moment to think deeply about what purity means for a sample. 
## Q: are all the non-tumor cells in the sample irrelevant, or could they mean something in terms of patient survival therapy response? 
## Q: should classification always be done on purity adjusted samples in your opinion?
Self-evaluation quiz (click to expand) Multiple choice quiz for todays curriculum. NOTE This is a subset of what you need to know about these topics. It is not a comprehensive list of what you need to know!

1. What are batch effects in gene expression data?
a) Random fluctuations in gene expression levels within a sample
b) Differences in gene expression between different biological conditions
c) Systematic variations in gene expression attributed to technical factors
d) Genetic mutations affecting gene expression patterns

2. When comparing gene expression data of cohorts of patients, why is it important to consider biological confounders?
a) Biological confounders can introduce noise in the gene expression data
b) Biological confounders can lead to biased interpretation of gene expression differences
c) Biological confounders can affect the reliability of gene expression measurements
d) All of the above

3. How is the distance between two ranked vectors typically measured?
a) Hamming distance
b) Euclidean distance
c) Kendall’s tau distance
d) Mahalanobis distance

4. How does the ESTIMATE algorithm work?
a) It calculates the enrichment of non-tumor cells and infers that the remaining signal from tumor cells
b) It calculates the enrichment of tumor cells
c) It calculates the copy number variations in the samples from microarray data
d) It quantifies the mutated genes in the microarray data and correlates the mutational profile with known cancer mutations

5. Should one adjust for tumor purity before subtyping? Why/why not?
a) Yes because tumor purity can differ across breast cancer samples for reasons relating to the surgery
b) No because the ESTIMATE algorithm only estimates tumor purity and is not accurate
c) Yes because we are only interested in the signal from the tumor cells as these are the drivers of the disease
d) No because the entire tumor microenvironment is what defines the disease

Self-evaluation quiz answers (click to expand) c, b, c, a, d

Curriculum for Day 6

Brief introduction to immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy
Resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy (read introduction and review Figure 1 + Table 1)
Paper describing predictions of response to immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy using a T cell inflammation signature (read introduction + section “2.3.1 T-cell–inflamed GEP”)
Your turn! Find resources for these concepts:
* Tumor mutational burden (TMB) + how it is measured
* Besides TMB and the “T cell inflamed gene expression profile” there is one more (clinically approved) prognostic marker for response to checkpoint inhibitor therapy. Find out what it is.

Day 6: Predicting prognostics with treatment: checkpoint inhibitor therapy response - part 1

When: October 8, 13.00-17.00

Where: Building 210, room 142/148

What: Q&A, exercises, and self study

Program 13.00 - 14.00: Follow-up on day 5 exercises + Q&A: checkpoint inhibitor therapy resistance
14.00 - 17.00: Exercise: Prediction of response non-response to checkpoint inhibitor therapy
On your own time: Go through the assigned materials for Day 7 (self study)

Today’s learning objectives After today you will be able to:
* Understand and apply the following concepts for prediction of response to checkpoint inhibitor therapy:
      * Tumor mutational burden
      * T cell Inflamed gene expression profile
      * PD-L1 expression
* Understand the concepts of checkpoint inhibitor resistance, and why the three features mentioned above is not enough to fully predict response
* Understand and apply the tool ESTIMATE for estimating tumor purity


* expr contains normalized tpm values for clear cell renal cell carcinoma patients treated with PD1 inhibitor
* pheno contains treatment, response, and tumor mutational burden among other things. You primarily need to consider the columns:
      * RNA_ID: sample names. Matches the column names in expr
      * ORR: Objective response rate (response/non-response)
      * PFS: progression free survival (how long did patients survive after treatment without progression in disease)
      * TMB_counts: the mutational burden of the tumor


#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 6 practical: predicting response to treatment
#### By Lars Ronn Olsen
#### 01/10/2024
#### Technical University of Denmark

## Load necessary packages

## Load data

## In these samples, collect the following: 1) tumor mutational burden, 2) PD-1 expression (note: this is the name of the protein, so you need to find the name of the gene), and calculate 3) the T cell inflamed gene expression profile:

## Tumor mutational burden

## PD-1 expression (note that the gene is called "PDCD1")

## Calculate the T cell inflamed gene expression profile using the average scaled expression of the GEP genes (note: you have to scale)
GEP_genes <- c("CD27", "CD274", "PDCD1", "CD276", "CD8A", "CMKLR1", "CXCL9", "CXCR6", "HLA-DQA1", "HLA-DRB1", "HLA-E", "IDO1", "LAG3", "NKG7", "PDCD1LG2", "PSMB10", "STAT1", "TIGIT")

## Q: Can you think of another way to quantify the expression of a set of genes like the GEP genes?

## Check if either of these three biomarkers correlate with the ORR classes
## Q: Are any of these three biomarkers useful for prediction of response to checkpoint inhibitor therapy in renal cell carcinoma?

## What about PFS? Here you can check for linear correlation and visualize the results

## Now estimate tumor purity in each sample and examine the range. 

## Q: How would you anticipate this to affect the three metrics, tumor mutational burden, PD-1 expression, and T cell inflamed gene expression profile?

## Check if purity correlates with either of the three

## Q: what do you think these results mean? Is purity relevant or not?

## Adjust the gene expression matrix for purity like you did last week and redo the analysis of PD1 and GEP scores vs ORR and PFS

## Q: Do you see any correlation now?
Exercise answers (click to expand)
#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 6 practical: predicting response to treatment
#### By Lars Ronn Olsen
#### 01/10/2024
#### Technical University of Denmark

## Load necessary packages

## Load data

## In these samples, collect the following: 1) tumor mutational burden, 2) PD-1 expression (note: this is the name of the protein, so you need to find the name of the gene), and calculate 3) the T cell inflamed gene expression profile:
# First, get pheno and expression profiles organized to match
expr <- expr[, match(pheno$RNA_ID, colnames(expr))]

## Tumor mutational burden
TMB <- pheno$TMB_Counts

## PD-1 expression (note that the gene is called "PDCD1")
PD1 <- as.matrix(expr)[rownames(expr) == "PDCD1",]

## Calculate the T cell inflamed gene expression profile using the average scaled expression of the GEP genes (note: you have to scale)
GEP_genes <- c("CD27", "CD274", "PDCD1", "CD276", "CD8A", "CMKLR1", "CXCL9", "CXCR6", "HLA-DQA1", "HLA-DRB1", "HLA-E", "IDO1", "LAG3", "NKG7", "PDCD1LG2", "PSMB10", "STAT1", "TIGIT")
GEP_scores <- colMeans(expr[rownames(expr) %in% GEP_genes,])

## Q: can you think of another way to quantify the expression of a set of genes like the GEP genes?
# Yes, one could use a single sample gene set enrichment analysis

## Check if either of these three biomarkers correlate with the ORR classes
df <- data.frame(TMB = TMB, PD1 = PD1, GEP_scores = GEP_scores, ORR = pheno$ORR, PFS = pheno$PFS)
ggplot(df, aes(x = ORR, y = TMB, group = ORR)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +
ggplot(df, aes(x = ORR, y = PD1, group = ORR)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +
ggplot(df, aes(x = ORR, y = GEP_scores, group = ORR)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +

## Q: Are any of these three biomarkers useful for prediction of response to checkpoint inhibitor therapy in renal cell carcinoma?
# There's a slight correlation, but in univariate setting, they are not predictive

## What about PFS? Here you can check for linear correlation and visualize the results
ggplot(df, aes(x = PFS, y = PD1)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method="lm") +
ggplot(df, aes(x = PFS, y = GEP_scores)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method="lm") +

## Now estimate tumor purity in each sample and examine the range.
purity <- deconvolute_estimate(expr)

## Q: How would you anticipate this to affect the three metrics, tumor mutational burden, PD-1 expression, and T cell inflamed gene expression profile?
# Since PD-1 is expressed by T-cells and B-cells, a higher purity could in principle lead to a perceived lower expression of PD-1
# Same with the T cell inflamed signature - the fewer T cells in the TME, the lowe this signature will appear even if the T cells in the TME are highly inflammatory
# Conversely, the lower the purity, the fewer tumor cells in the sample, the harder it could potentially be to detect subclonal mutations, thus leading to a perceived lower TMB
# Let's have a look

## Check if purity correlates with either of the three
df$purity <- t(purity)[,4]
ggplot(df, aes(x = purity, y = TMB)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method="lm") +
ggplot(df, aes(x = purity, y = PD1)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method="lm") +
ggplot(df, aes(x = purity, y = GEP_scores)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method="lm") +

## Q: what do you think these results mean? Is purity relevant or not?
# It appears that both the T cell inflamed signature and the PD-1 expression correlates with the amount of immune cells in the TME, which is not surprising

## Adjust the gene expression matrix for purity like you did last week and redo the analysis of PD1 and GEP scores vs ORR and PFS
expr_adjusted <- removeBatchEffect(expr, covariates = t(purity[4,]))
PD1_adjusted <- as.matrix(expr_adjusted)[rownames(expr_adjusted) == "PDCD1",]
GEP_scores_adjusted <- colMeans(expr_adjusted[rownames(expr_adjusted) %in% GEP_genes,])

df <- data.frame(PD1 = PD1_adjusted, GEP_scores = GEP_scores_adjusted, ORR = pheno$ORR, PFS = pheno$PFS)
ggplot(df, aes(x = ORR, y = PD1, group = ORR)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +
ggplot(df, aes(x = ORR, y = GEP_scores, group = ORR)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +

ggplot(df, aes(x = PFS, y = PD1)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method="lm") +
ggplot(df, aes(x = PFS, y = GEP_scores)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method="lm") +

## Q: Do you see any correlation now?
# Not really as expected we have regressed out the signal entirely
Self-evaluation quiz (click to expand) Multiple choice quiz for todays curriculum. NOTE This is a subset of what you need to know about these topics. It is not a comprehensive list of what you need to know!

1. Which of the following is a commonly targeted immune checkpoint in cancer therapy?
a) PD-1
b) HER2

2. How do immune checkpoint inhibitors work in cancer therapy?
a) They directly kill cancer cells.
b) They release the “brakes” of the immune cells and stimulate them to recognize and attack cancer cells.
c) They prevent the formation of blood vessels that supply nutrients to tumors.
d) They interfere with the division and growth of cancer cells.

3. What is one mechanism of resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in cancer?
a) Downregulation of immune checkpoint proteins (targets of the therapy)
b) Activation of tumor suppressor genes
c) Enhanced immune response against cancer cells
d) Mutation of oncogenes

4. Which of the following factors can be used to predict whether a patient will respond to immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy?
a) Expression levels of immune checkpoint proteins in tumor cells
b) The inflammatory environment in the tumor
c) Tumor mutational burden
d) All of the above

5. What is the tumor microenvironment?
a) The size and location of the tumor within the body
b) The genetic composition of cancer cells within the tumor
c) The surrounding cellular and non-cellular components in the tumor’s vicinity
d) The stage of cancer progression and metastasis

6. What is tumor heterogeneity?
a) The ability of a tumor to metastasize to distant organs
b) The genetic stability of cancer cells within a tumor
c) The presence of diverse cell populations with distinct genetic and phenotypic characteristics within a tumor
d) The responsiveness of a tumor to chemotherapy or radiation therapy

7. What is tumor mutational burden (TMB)?
a) The size of the tumor within the body
b) The number of mutations found in a tumor’s DNA
c) The rate at which a tumor is growing
d) The presence of specific genetic mutations in tumor cells

8. Why is TMB relevant in the context of checkpoint inhibitor therapy?
a) It determines the potential number of mutated proteins in the tumor that the immune system can recognize as foreign
b) Highly mutating tumors are more unstable and easier to kill
c) It is the target of checkpoint inhibitor antibodies
d) All of the above

Self-evaluation quiz answers (click to expand) a, b, a, d, c, c, b, a

Curriculum for Day 7 Paper about the basic concepts of survival analysis
How to perform Cox regression and make Kaplan Meier and forest plots in R How to perform the log-rank test in R
Your turn! Read up on the following concepts:
* What is the difference between a predictive and a prognostic biomarker?
* Get acquainted with the “survival” package for R

Day 7: Predicting prognostics with treatment: checkpoint inhibitor therapy response - part 2

When: October 22, 13.00-17.00

Where: Building 210, room 142/148

What: Q&A, exercises, and self study

Program 13.00 - 14.00: Follow-up on day 6 exercises + Q&A: checkpoint inhibitor therapy resistance
14.00 - 17.00: Exercise: Analysis of survival with treatment
On your own time: Go through the assigned materials for Day 8 (self study)

Today’s learning objectives After today you will be able to:
* Understand and apply survival analysis in R, including log-rank test and Kaplan-Meier plots
* Understand the difference between a prognostic and a predictive biomarker
* Describe the process of defining predictive biomarkers, from discovery to validation


* tpm contains normalized tpm values for melanoma patients treated with PD1 inhibitor
* count - same as above, but raw counts
* pheno contains treatment, response, and tumor mutational burden among other things. You primarily need to consider the columns:
      * RNA_ID: sample names. Matches the column names in expr
      * ORR: Objective response rate (response/non-response)
      * PFS: progression free survival (how long did patients survive after treatment without progression in disease)
      * TMB_counts: the mutational burden of the tumor


#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 7 practical: predicting response to treatment
#### By Lars Ronn Olsen
#### 18/10/2024
#### Technical University of Denmark

## Load packages

## Load data

## Perform the log-rank test and make Kaplan Meier plots based on the tumor mutational burden (TMB)
## To do this, you need to decide on a threshold to split the samples by. E.g. top half TMB vs bottom half TMB, or top quartile vs bottom quartile, etc. play around a bit. It is OK to conclude that we cannot predict reponse for samples falling right in the middle and exclude them from the analysis.

# Trying this for top half vs bottom half TMB

## Q: How did this work?

## Now let's try and define our own biomarker or set of biomarkers
## Perform a differential expression analysis of responders vs non-responders using the DEseq2 package, like you did in week 3

# Q: How many significantly differentially expressed genes do you find?

## Pick a couple of different significantly differentially expressed genes, split the samples like we did above, and run the log-rank and produce Kaplan Meier plots

## Q: Were you able to find a better biomarker than TMB?

## Pick the top 15 most significantly up regulated genes in responders, calculated the sample wise gene set enrichment and split the samples like we did above, and run the log-rank and produce Kaplan Meier plots

## Q: how did that work? Why do you think it worked the way it did?

## Q: What is the necessary next step to draw any conclusions about the validity of your biomarkers? Hint: try this gene set biomarker on the data from last week

## Q: did you define a predictive or a prognostic biomarker?
Exercise answers (click to expand)
#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 7 practical: predicting response to treatment
#### By Lars Ronn Olsen
#### 18/10/2024
#### Technical University of Denmark

## Load packages

## Load data

## Perform the log-rank test and make Kaplan Meier plots based on the tumor mutational burden (TMB)
## To do this, you need to decide on a threshold to split the samples by. E.g. top half TMB vs bottom half TMB, or top quartile vs bottom quartile, etc. play around a bit. It is OK to conclude that we cannot predict reponse for samples falling right in the middle and exclude them from the analysis.

# Trying this for top half vs bottom half TMB
pheno$status <- rep(1, nrow(pheno)) # since we don't know if these patients are dead or alive, we set a status to 1 for all patients
pheno$TMB_status <- pheno$TMB_Counts > median(pheno$TMB_Counts, na.rm = TRUE) # Produce a logical vector for TMB above and below the median TMB
sd <- survdiff(Surv(PFS, status) ~ TMB_status, data = pheno) # Make the log-rank test object
sd # show test statistics
km <- survfit(Surv(PFS, status) ~ TMB_status, data = pheno) # Make the Kaplan-Meier object
plot(km) # Plot the kaplan-meier

## Q: How did this work?
# Very poorly. P value = 0.6 and no dicernable difference between survival curves. Let's try it again for the bottom quartile vs top quartile
pheno$TMB_status <- rep(NA, length(pheno$TMB_status))
pheno$TMB_status[pheno$TMB_Counts < summary(pheno$TMB_Counts, na.rm = TRUE)[2]] <- FALSE # Produce a logical vector for TMB above and below the median TMB
pheno$TMB_status[pheno$TMB_Counts > summary(pheno$TMB_Counts, na.rm = TRUE)[5]] <- TRUE # Produce a logical vector for TMB above and below the median TMB
sd <- survdiff(Surv(PFS, status) ~ TMB_status, data = pheno) # Make the log-rank test object
sd # show test statistics
km <- survfit(Surv(PFS, status) ~ TMB_status, data = pheno) # Make the Kaplan-Meier object
plot(km) # Plot the kaplan-meier
# That worked worse, seems like we lose too much power discarding patients

## Now let's try and define our own biomarker or set of biomarkers
## Perform a differential expression analysis of responders vs non-responders using the DEseq2 package, like you did in week 3
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts, colData = pheno, design = ~ ORR)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
res <-

# Q: How many significantly differentially expressed genes do you find?
table(res$padj < 0.05)
# 121

## Pick a couple of different significantly differentially expressed genes, split the samples like we did above, and run the log-rank and produce Kaplan Meier plots
pheno$biomarker_status <- as.matrix(tpm)[rownames(tpm) == "F8A2",] > median(as.matrix(tpm)[rownames(tpm) == "F8A2",])
sd <- survdiff(Surv(PFS, status) ~ biomarker_status, data = pheno)
km <- survfit(Surv(PFS, status) ~ biomarker_status, data = pheno)

## Q: Were you able to find a better biomarker than TMB?
# Yes for some

## Pick the top 15 most significantly up regulated genes in responders, calculated the sample wise gene set enrichment and split the samples like we did above, and run the log-rank and produce Kaplan Meier plots
res2 <- res[res$padj < 0.05 & res$log2FoldChange > 0,]
gene_set <- list(responder_set = rownames(res2[order(res2$padj),])[1:15])
param <- ssgseaParam(as.matrix(tpm), gene_set)
enrich <- gsva(param)
pheno$biomarker_status <- enrich[1,] > median(enrich[1,])
sd <- survdiff(Surv(PFS, status) ~ biomarker_status, data = pheno) 
km <- survfit(Surv(PFS, status) ~ biomarker_status, data = pheno) 

## Q: how did that work? Why do you think it worked the way it did?
# Worked a lot better. Probably because we based the split on multiple genes, knowing that genes are not independent variables and that it is unlikely to find a single gene biomarker

## Q: What is the necessary next step to draw any conclusions about the validity of your biomarkers? Hint: try this gene set biomarker on the data from last week
param <- ssgseaParam(as.matrix(expr), gene_set)
enrich <- gsva(param)
pheno$status <- rep(1, nrow(pheno))
pheno$biomarker_status <- enrich[1,] > median(enrich[1,])
sd <- survdiff(Surv(PFS, status) ~ biomarker_status, data = pheno)
km <- survfit(Surv(PFS, status) ~ biomarker_status, data = pheno) 
# Didn't work at all. Granted, last week's exercise data was from renal cell carcinoma patients, while this week's data was from melanoma patients, but there is essentially no signal in this signature. In other words: the next step is ALWAYS to test your biomarker in an independent cohort

## Q: did you define a predictive or a prognostic biomarker?
# Prognostic. A predictive biomarker necessitates a control arm of the experiment
Self-evaluation quiz (click to expand) Multiple choice quiz for todays curriculum. NOTE This is a subset of what you need to know about these topics. It is not a comprehensive list of what you need to know!

1. What does a Kaplan-Meier plot display?
a) The average growth rate of cancer cells over time
b) The probability of survival over time for a group of patients
c) The distribution of gene mutations in a population
d) The results of a drug trial on a specific date

2. In a Kaplan-Meier plot, what does a steep drop in the survival curve indicate?
a) An increase in the probability of patient survival
b) A higher incidence of adverse events among patients
c) A significant number of patients surviving longer than expected
d) A high number of patients experiencing the event being studied (e.g., death or recurrence) in a short period of time

3. You are analyzing the survival of two groups of cancer patients using a Kaplan-Meier plot. One group shows a survival curve that consistently remains higher than the other group’s curve. What conclusion can you draw from this result?
a) The group with the higher curve has a significantly lower overall survival rate.
b) The group with the higher curve has a higher probability of surviving for a longer period compared to the other group.
c) Both groups have equal survival chances, but the results are due to random variation.
d) The group with the higher curve has more patients who withdrew from the study early.

4. What is the primary purpose of the log-rank test in survival analysis?
a) To estimate the median survival time of patients
b) To compare the survival distributions of two or more groups
c) To determine the accuracy of a survival model
d) To calculate the hazard ratio between two groups

5. What is the tumor microenvironment?
a) The size and location of the tumor within the body
b) The genetic composition of cancer cells within the tumor
c) The surrounding cellular and non-cellular components in the tumor’s vicinity
d) The stage of cancer progression and metastasis

6. In survival analysis, what is meant by censoring?
a) Excluding data points that do not fit the analysis
b) A method for removing outliers in a dataset
c) The occurrence of an event before the follow-up period ends
d) When the outcome of interest (e.g., death) has not occurred by the end of the study period or the patient is lost to follow-up

7. Why is the Kaplan-Meier estimator important in survival analysis?
a) It accounts for the varying follow-up times and handles censored data
b) It measures the rate of occurrence of an event per unit time
c) It assumes the hazard function is constant over time
d) It is used to calculate the number of patients remaining in the study

8. You are comparing survival times between two groups using the Kaplan-Meier method. Group A shows a higher survival curve compared to Group B. You apply a log-rank test and obtain a p-value of 0.06. Based on the standard 0.05 significance level, what should you conclude?
a) There is strong evidence that survival times are different between Group A and Group B.
b) There is weak or no evidence of a statistically significant difference in survival times between Group A and Group B.
c) Group B has a significantly higher survival rate than Group A.
d) Both groups have identical survival distributions.

Self-evaluation quiz answers (click to expand) b, d, b, b, d, a, b

Curriculum for Day 8 Chimeric antigen receptor therapy
This figure outlining what constitutes a good target for chimeric antigen receptor therapy
Your turn! Figure out what the following bioinformatics tools can be used for and how they work (in very broad strokes, not the math):
* DeepLoc 2.0
* deepTMHMM
* AlphaFold

Day 8: Computational precision therapeutics: evaluating targets for chimeric antigen receptor therapy - part 1

When: October 29, 13.00-17.00

Where: Building 210, room 142/148

What: Follow-up on exercises, Q&A, Lecture, exercises, and self study

Program 13.00 - 14.00: Follow-up on day 7 exercises, Q&A: checkpoint inhibitor therapy resistance
14.00 - 17.00: Exercise: Assessment of chimeric antigen receptor therapy targets 1
On your own time: Go through the assigned materials for Day 9 (self study)

Today’s learning objectives After today you will be able to:
* Understand the general concept of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) therapy
* Understand the features of a good CAR target, including:
      * Target expression on tumor cells and not on healthy cells
      * Target protein subcellular localization
      * Target protein membrane topology
      * Target protein structure
* Understand what DeepLoc2 is used for
* Understand what DeepTMHMM is used for
* Understand what Alphafold is used for

#### Course 22123: Computational precision medicine
#### Day 8 practical: Analysis of HER2 as a CAR Target
#### By Lasse Vedel Jørgensen
#### 29/10/2024
#### Technical University of Denmark

# Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2 (HER2) is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor that plays a crucial role in cell growth, survival, and differentiation. Overexpression or amplification of the HER2 gene is linked to the development and progression of aggressive forms of cancer, particularly breast and gastric cancers. HER2-positive cancers tend to grow faster and are more likely to spread and recur, making HER2 both a significant biomarker and a therapeutic target.

# Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is an innovative form of immunotherapy where a patient's T cells are genetically engineered to express CARs that recognize specific proteins on cancer cells. These modified T cells can directly target and kill cancer cells expressing the antigen. By designing CAR T cells to target proteins like HER2, we can potentially enhance the immune system's ability to eliminate HER2-positive cancer cells.

# In this exercise, you will analyze the HER2 protein to evaluate its suitability as a target for CAR T-cell therapy. You will use various bioinformatics tools and R for visualization and analysis.

# Task 1. Find the Sequence in SwissProt
# - Go to the UniProt database:
# - Search for HER2 (also known as ERBB2).
# - Locate the human HER2 protein entry and download the sequence in FASTA format.

# Task 2. Run DeepLoc2
# - Visit the DeepLoc2 web server:
# - Upload the HER2 sequence.
# - Run DeepLoc2 with default settings. Before submission, check the “Instructions” and “Output format” tabs for help interpreting the output.
# Questions:
# - What is the predicted subcellular localization of HER2?
# - How confident is the model in its prediction?
# - What is the role of the signal peptide in relation to subcellular location?

# Task 3. Run DeepTMHMM and Visualize in R
# - Go to the DeepTMHMM web server:
# - Upload the HER2 sequence.
# - Run the analysis with default settings.
# - In R, use the provided script (Called “Script_for_topology_visualization.R”) to visualize the membrane topology by loading the “HER2_topology.RData” object and running the script.
# Questions:
# - Is HER2 a transmembrane protein?
# - What would happen if there were versions of the protein that were either truncated, mutated, or did not contain TM spanning region (secreted)?

Task 4. Run AlphaFold and Analyze the Structure<br>
- Visit the AlphaFold Server: <br>
- Upload the fasta sequence for HER2.<br>
- Settings: Molecule  type = protein, Copies =1  <br>
- Submit the job (runtime is a few minutes). <br>
- Explore the result. Which parts of the Alphafold able to predict with high confidence? <br>
- Download the zip-file containing predicted 3D structures of HER2.<br>
Next, we want to visualize the structure and the topology of the predicted HER2 structure. <br>
- Go to <br>
-   Choose one of the Crystallographic Information Files (CIF) (Alphafold made 5 predictions) and upload by Open files → Select files → Apply  <br> 
-   Click the   icon and select the sequence that corresponds to the signal peptide, pick a color and apply it. Do the same for the ectodomain, the TM domain and the endodomain. <br>
-   How does the predicted structure correlate with the results from DeepTMHMM?<br>

Task 5. Retrieve Expression Data and Visualize in R<br>
- Explore and <br>
- We have provided a dataset containing HER2 expression levels in diseased vs. healthy tissues. In R, use the provided script (Called “Script_for_expression_visualization.R”) to visualize the HER2 expression by loading the “HER2_expression.RData” object and running the script.<br>
- Visualize the expression of HER2 across different tissue origins. <br>
- What is TCGA? What is GTEx? <br>
- In which tissues are HER2 overexpressed? <br>
- From the RNA expression, can we say something about the relevance of HER2 as a therapeutic target?<br>

Task 6. Evaluate HER2 as a Good Target<br>
-   Discuss with your peers:<br>
-   What factors should be considered when selecting a target for CAR T-cell therapy? <br>
-   Based on your findings, is HER2 a good candidate for CAR T-cell therapy?<br>
Exercise answers TBA
Self-evaluation quiz (click to expand) Multiple choice quiz for todays curriculum. NOTE This is a subset of what you need to know about these topics. It is not a comprehensive list of what you need to know!

1. How does chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) therapy work?
a) CARs are synthetic receptors that directly kill cancer cells by inducing apoptosis.
b) CARs are engineered receptors that bind to specific antigens on cancer cells and activate the immune system to attack them.
c) CARs stimulate the production of antibodies that target cancer cells.
d) CARs directly inhibit the growth and division of cancer cells.

2. What are B cell epitopes?
a) Specific regions on antibodies that bind to antigens
b) Small molecules that activate B cells to produce antibodies
c) Antigens that are recognized and bound by T cells
d) Protein fragments that are recognized and bound by specific antibodies

3. Why is CAR therapy targeting CD19 effective despite CD19 being expressed on normal cells?
a) CAR therapy does kills healthy cells expressing CD19, primarily B cells, the loss of which can be managed with immunoglobulin replacement therapy.
b) Normal cells expressing CD19 have mechanisms to evade CAR-mediated killing
c) CAR therapy is designed to spare normal cells by modulating the binding affinity to CD19
d) Normal cells expressing CD19 are replenished through the body’s natural regenerative processes throughout therapy

4. Why does CAR therapy resistance occur?
a) Low PD1 expression
b) Low T cell inflamed gene expression signature
c) Low tumor mutational burden
d) The tumor cells expressing the target are killed under selective pressure, leaving only clones that does not express the target

5. How can we estimate protein target expression in tumor samples?
a) Microarray data
b) Whole genome sequencing
c) Single cell ATAC sequencing
d) RNA sequencing

6. Why is it necessary for CAR targets to have an ectodomain?
a) Ectodomains are the only place on a protein that an antibody can bind
b) Ectodomains are specific to tumor expressed proteins
c) Ectodomains are located on the outside of cell membranes, visible to CAR cells
d) All of the above

7. How does the DeepTMHMM tool work?
a) It uses a rule-based system to match known transmembrane patterns in protein sequences
b) It applies a machine learning model, trained on protein sequences, to predict transmembrane regions and orientation based on amino acid properties
c) It relies on sequence alignment with transmembrane proteins from similar organisms to infer structure
d) It predicts protein structure solely by identifying hydrophobic regions without additional context

Self-evaluation quiz answers (click to expand) b, d, a, d, d, c, b

Curriculum for Day 9 Alternative splicing
Paper about the role of alternative splicing in therapy-induced target-loss in CAR therapy
Paper about the tool FoldSeek
Your turn! Figure out what the following bioinformatics tools can be used for and how they work (in very broad strokes, not the math):
* Multiple sequence alignment and the R package “msa”

Day 9: Computational precision therapeutics: evaluating targets for chimeric antigen receptor therapy - part 2

When: November 5, 13.00-17.00

Where: Building 210, room 142/148

What: Follow-up on exercises, Q&A, Lecture, exercises, and self study

Program 13.00 - 14.00: Follow-up on day 8 exercises, Q&A: checkpoint inhibitor therapy resistance
14.00 - 17.00: Exercise: Assessment of chimeric antigen receptor therapy targets 2

Today’s learning objectives After today you will be able to:
* Understand the basic concept of splice variants/protein isoforms
* Understand the general concept of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) therapy
* Understand the features of a good CAR target, including:
      * Target isoforms
      * No off target binding
* Understand what a multiple sequence alignment does
* Understand what the tool FoldSeek does

Exercises TBA
Exercise answers TBA
Self-evaluation quiz (click to expand) Multiple choice quiz for todays curriculum. NOTE This is a subset of what you need to know about these topics. It is not a comprehensive list of what you need to know!

1. What is alternative splicing?
a) The process by which genes are duplicated within a genome
b) The modification of DNA sequences by adding or removing specific nucleotides
c) The process by which mRNA is generated from DNA, involving the removal of introns and joining of exons in different combinations
d) The mechanism by which proteins are synthesized from mRNA templates

2. What are protein isoforms?
a) Different types of proteins that are found in different cellular compartments
b) Proteins that are produced through alternative splicing of mRNA transcripts
c) Proteins that are modified post-translationally by adding or removing specific functional groups
d) Proteins that are involved in the process of protein synthesis

Self-evaluation quiz answers (click to expand) c, b