Distance Matrix Methods

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This exercise is part of the course Computational Molecular Evolution (22115).

Getting started

Note: If you didn't already do this during the video lecture: Start by doing the handout exercise for distance matrix methods.
In this exercise we will reconstruct phylogenetic trees using a variety of distance-based methods. Specifically, we will explore two different optimality criteria (least squares and minimum evolution), and one clustering method (neighbor joining).

Copy files for today's exercise: Make sure you're still in today's working directory (condist) and that you already have the hcv.nexus file there. Now, copy the following file to the dir also:

cp ../data/simple.nexus simple.nexus
ls -l
simple.nexus is an artificial data set that I have constructed. It is identical to the one you analyzed by hand in the handout exercise. We will use it to convince ourselves that PAUP gets the same result as you.

Analysis of the Simple Data Set

Question 1

Start PAUP* and load the simple data set:

paup simple.nexus

Select distance-based tree-reconstruction:

set criterion=distance

Select uncorrected distances under the un-weighted least squares criterion:

dset distance=p objective=lsfit power=0
The dset command is used to set various options for the distance-based methods. Option "distance=p" specifies the use of "uncorrected sequence distances", i.e., we do not want to correct the observed distances for multiple substitutions. Note that distances are here reported as "substitutions per site". This simply means that the number of differences has been divided by the length of the sequence. You can think of this distance as the fraction of sites that are different between two sequences.
The option "objective=lsfit" specifies that we want to reconstruct trees using the least squares optimality criterion. Recall that under least squares we are trying to find the tree that has the smallest possible deviation between the observed pairwise distances and the pairwise distances measured along the tree. (The distance between two taxa measured along the tree is called the "patristic" distance). The overall fit of the tree is found by (1) computing the difference between each observed distance and the corresponding patristic distance, (2) squaring this difference (this way we are sure to obtain a positive number, regardless of whether the observed or the patristic difference is larger), and (3) adding all the squared differences. The option "power=0" specifies that we do not want to weight the squared differences according to branch lengths when computing this fit.

Inspect distance matrix

This command shows the distance matrix as evaluated under the current criteria.

Question: Report the pairwise distances for all the pairs of (different) sequences: AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD

Question 2

Find best tree using exhaustive search:

This data set is sufficiently small that we can search through all possible trees.

Question: how many different, unrooted trees with 4 leafs is it possible to construct?

Question 3

Inspect best tree:

outgroup A D
set root=outgroup outroot=poly
describetrees all/plot=phylogram brlens=yes label=yes

Question: We now want to investigate whether the fitted branch lengths correspond to the observed pairwise distances. First, draw a sketch of the tree (note that in the PAUP output, this unrooted tree may look a bit weird - just draw it in the normal unrooted way you also used for the manual exercise, i.e., the tree should have a total of 5 branches). Second, label each branch with the branch length as listed in the table you just produced with describetrees. Finally, compute the patristic distance between each pair of species on the tree by adding up the branch lengths of branches lying on the path between the two taxa. Do the observed pairwise distances (from the distance matrix in the previous question) correspond to the patristic distances in this case?

Question 4

Compare to the manually constructed tree:

Question: We now want to investigate whether the tree that PAUP has found here, corresponds to the one you constructed manually in the handout exercise. To do this you should convert all the fractional ("per-site") distances reported by PAUP, to absolute distances. This is done simply by multiplying the fractional distance by the length of the alignment (15 positions, in this case). Is your tree and the PAUP tree identical (within rounding error)?

Analysis of HCV Data Set using Neighbor Joining

Question 5

Set up analysis for HCV data set

execute hcv.nexus
set criterion=distance
dset distance=p objective=lsfit power=0
outgroup  2_1_1 2_1_2 2_1_3 2_1_4 2_1_5 2_1_7 2_1_8 2_1_9 2_1_10
set root=outgroup outroot=monophyl
These commands will: load the file hcv.nexus (say yes when asked whether you want to reset the active datafile), select distance-based tree-reconstruction, select uncorrected distances, define patient 2 sequences as the outgroup, set outgroup rooting, and ensure outgroup is printed as monophyletic sister group to ingroup.

Construct a neighbor joining tree based on the HCV data:

This will construct a neighbor joining tree using the active distance measure (currently set to uncorrected).

Print tree and table of branch lengths:

describetrees 1/plot=phylogram brlens=yes
The neighbor joining tree resembles the trees you previously constructed using parsimony. Importantly, you should see that the viral sequences from different patients form distinct clusters. Note that only a single tree is produced. This is characteristic of clustering methods, which work by following a deterministic algorithm for constructing a tree from distance data. Clustering algorithms such as neighbor joining do not have any measure of tree-goodness and therefore are not able to identify sets of equally good trees.

Question: The present neighbor joining tree was computed without correcting the observed distances for multiple substitutions. In the phylogram, identify the internal node that is ancestral to the patient 5 sequences (you will see that internal nodes are labeled with consecutive numbers), and also the internal node that is one level further down in the tree (i.e., ancestral to the ancestral node). You will note that the branch connecting these two nodes is relatively long. Locate the branch in the list of branch lengths, which is printed above the tree. What is the length of this branch?

Question 6

Select correction of multiple substitutions using the Jukes and Cantor model:

dset distance=jc
This causes all observed distances to be corrected using a formula based on the Jukes and Cantor model of evolution. Recall that under the Jukes and Cantor model all base frequencies are assumed to be equal (at 0.25), and all base substitution rates are also assumed to be equal.

Construct a new neighbor joining tree using corrected distances:


Print tree and table of branch lengths:

describetrees 1/plot=phylogram brlens=yes
In this tree all branch lengths have been corrected for (unobserved) multiple substitutions. That means they are slightly longer than the uncorrected distances, and this correction is more noticeable for longer branches.

Question: Again locate the internal node that is ancestral to the patient 5 sequences and also the immediate ancestor of this node (the node labels are not necessarily the same as before). Now find the corresponding branch in the table and make a note of the length. Is the corrected branch length longer than the uncorrected one?

Question 7 What is the ratio of the corrected to the uncorrected branch length? (Divide the corrected branch length by the uncorrected one)

Question 8

Prepare table of model fit measures

You are currently using neighbor joining to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree. Below you will also explore the use of least squares and minimum evolution methods. In order to compare the performance and characteristics of these methods we want to record some informative numbers. Construct a small table with two columns (labeled "SSE" and "tree length"), and three rows (labeled "NJ", "least squares", and "minimum evolution").

Question: At the end of the list of branch lengths (printed with the describetrees command), you will find the sum of all branch lengths. This is often called the "length" of the tree. What is the length of the tree? (also enter this number in your table, under the column "tree length" in the row "NJ")

Question 9

Compute fit of NJ branch lengths to observed pairwise distances:

dscores 1/objective=lsfit power=0
The dscores command calculates the scores of trees in memory according to the distance criterion. In this case we are computing the fit between the observed pairwise distances and the branch lengths found by neighbor joining. The measure used is the sum of squared deviations mentioned above.

Question: What is the sum of squared errors? (it is indicated by "SS" which is an abbreviation for sum of squares). Enter the number in the table

Analysis of HCV Data Set Using Least Squares

Question 10

Select JC corrected distances under the unweighted least squares criterion:

dset distance=jc objective=lsfit power=0

Find the best tree using heuristic searching:

hsearch start=nj swap=tbr
As we have seen previously, the HCV data set is far too big for exhaustive searching, and we therefore have to resort to heuristic techniques when we are using a phylogenetic reconstruction method that is based on an optimality criterion. In this case the starting tree is constructed by neighbor joining, i.e., it should be identical to the tree we just inspected (in previous exercises we have used a random starting tree, but neighbour joining will get us closer to the optimum from the start). The heuristic search (which again uses re-arrangements of the "tree-bisection and reconnection" type) should result in a small set of equally good trees.

Inspect trees:

contree all/strict=no majrule=yes percent=50
This constructs a consensus tree from the set of equally good best trees. Again you should see that the set of best trees have individual patients clustered separately. Note that while the Neighbor Joining tree also showed this feature, it did not indicate that there might be any uncertainty as to the details of the tree. However, by using a method that has an explicit measure of tree goodness (least squares in this case) you have now learned that there are several equally good reconstructions of the branch order within the individual patient clusters.

Compute fit of least squares branch lengths to observed pairwise distances:

dscores 1/objective=lsfit power=0
Again, we are computing the sum of squared deviations between observed and patristic pairwise distances. Arbitrarily we have chosen to only do this for tree number 1 ("dscores all" would have done it for all trees in memory), but recall that all trees in memory are equally good, so the results would have been identical to what you now get.

Question: What is the sum of squares? (Also enter the numbers in your table)

Question 11

Find total length of tree:

describetrees 1/plot=no brlens=yes

Question: What is the sum of all branch lengths when using the least squares criterion? (Remember to also enter the numbers in your table).

Question 12 Now, compare the results from this analysis with the number you obtained from the neighbor joining tree above. Has the fit improved? (Recall that for both sum of squares and tree length, smaller is better).

Analysis of HCV Data Set Using Minimum Evolution

Question 13

Select JC corrected distances under the minimum evolution criterion:

dset distance=jc objective=me
We now want to explore a different optimality criterion for distance-based analysis. Under minimum evolution we take the shortest tree to be the best one. This is very similar to parsimony, but in this case we are using pairwise, JC-corrected distances as the basis for reconstructing the tree. ME proceeds by searching through a list of possible trees; for each tested topology the best set of branch lengths are found by the least squares method, but instead of finally choosing the tree with the best fit, we instead end up by choosing the shortest tree.

Find the best tree using heuristic searching starting from a NJ tree:

hsearch start=nj swap=tbr

Inspect trees:

contree all/strict=no majrule=yes percent=50
Again you should see that the set of best trees have individual patients clustered separately.

Find total length of tree:

describetrees 1/plot=no brlens=yes

Question: At the end of the table listing branch lengths, you will again find the sum of all branch lengths. What is it?

Question 14 Is the minimum evolution tree shorter than the other two trees?

Question 15

Compute fit of minimum evolution branch lengths to observed pairwise distances:

dscores 1/objective=lsfit power=0

Question: Again, we are computing the sum of squared deviations between observed and patristic pairwise distances. Note the result from this analysis in your table and compare it with the numbers you obtained from the neighbor joining and least squares analyses above. How is the fit of the ME tree compared to those two judged by the sum of squares?