22112 High Performance Computing in Life Science
Teacher: Peter Wad Sackett, pwsa@dtu.dk
Language: The course is taught in English.
Tools: Various servers will be introduced.
Textbooks: There are no text books for the course. I will make do with powerpoints, videos and references to online resources. You can find the material under the individual lessons in the Programme.
Location: Building 358, room 60b.
Time: Thursday 13:00 - 17:00, module E1-B.
Course details
Course content overview
The course is a practical introduction to working with supercomputers in Life Science. Using both "ordinary" servers and Computerome, the Danish National Supercomputer for Life Sciences as a basis for lectures and exercises, we will cover subjects such as computer design, queueing systems, distributed computing, algorithms, parallel programming, performance and performance dependencies, database design and use, and practical organization of projects.
Aligning expectations Mandatory read at course start
Lessons, Fall 2023
- 28/08 Lesson 1: Databases
- 04/09 Lesson 2: MySQL
- 11/09 Lesson 3: Coding against databases
- 18/09 Lesson 4: Computer design
- 25/09 Lesson 5: Queueing System
- 02/10 Lesson 6: Distributed computing, Midterm evaluation - part 1
- 09/10 Lesson 7: What affects performance, Midterm evaluation - part 2
- 23/10 Lesson 8: Algorithms
- 30/10 Lesson 9: Parallel programming
- 06/11 Lesson 10: More parallelism
- 13/11 Lesson 11: MapReduce and Binary representation
- 20/11 Lesson 12: Hash usage
- 27/11 Lesson 13: Exercises and Organization